Saturday, January 30, 2016

Thirteen Crackpot Lady Midnight Theories!

As those of you who are also fans of Cassandra Clare's Shadowhunter series know , the first book in The Dark Artifices , Lady Midnight , comes out in a month. To release some of my pre - series hype , here is a list of crackpot theories I have come up with. Please keep in mind that this is not in any way official. These are just theories and nothing else.  

  1. I think the Seelie Queen is dead.
  2. I have a sneaking suspicion a well - know character is going to die. (Besides SQ).
  3. This new Herondale and whatever's killing Shadowhunters and faeries are either in league or one and the same.
  4. Emma , since she is afraid of the ocean , is going to be dumped into the ocean.
  5. What Alec is doing in Buenos Ares has either something to do with demons or a wedding.
  6. Luke and Jocelyn had a child.
  7. Julian is looking for a cure for his uncle's madness.
  8. Emma knows Brother Zacharia's actual name now.
  9. Tessa  told Jace who she is to him. Or he found out on his own.
  10. Mark actually has syphilis.
  11. Ty is Sheldon Cooper in a Shadowhunter cosplay costume.
  12. A My Little Ponie reference will be made somewhere in the book.